The No Lunch Education Initiative
We are thrilled to announce the No Lunch Education Initiative, founded in 2017 by Katrina Keating, Tadashi Tsuchida, and katch keating. The initiative is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit, with a mission of helping educate people in developing countries and keep them healthy, and a special focus on the education of girls and the continuing education for women.
Welcome to the companion website to the book:
"No LUnch, No Money, No Rice: The Pursuit of Education in asia"
This book is about education in Asia, but not through statistics, through personal narratives and photographs. It tells people’s stories—in their own words—of getting an education in Asia. Some of these stories are profound and inspiring, while others are funny. Many are both sad and enlightening. The title was inspired from Xue, and why she never attend school.
About The Book
Katrina and Tadashi have been traveling the world since 2004, mainly to Southeast Asia. They travel flexibly, and if they don't like a place, they'll leave early; if they fall in love with a place, they'll stay longer. They strive to meet the local people, and so they tend to stay away from the big cities and hotels, preferring smaller places where it's easier to make connections. In this way, they have made friends all over the world.
How was your trip? |
Their first book, "No Lunch, No Money, No Rice: The Pursuit of Education in Asia" was a labor of love, and is filled with the stories they would tell friends when they asked, "How was your trip?" These two have helped bring running water to people's houses, payed for many children (and adults) to attend school, helped start many small businesses, and funded life-saving medication. They see themselves as providing the support that student loans have given so many of us in the United States, except instead of being payed back, the people they support pay it forward.